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 The City of Nîmes

Nîmes is a charming city in southern France, known for its well-preserved Roman architecture and beautiful gardens. A must-see if you are visiting the Languedoc-Roussillon and wish to get a flavour of this region.

A weekend in Nîmes: the essentials

You wish to visit Nîmes for a short stay and need to plan your visit to get the feel of the city.

Here is a guide to help you make the most of your travels to Nîmes:


1. Visit the Arena of Nîmes:

Gallery on the middle floor inside the arena
<a href=httpswwwflickrcomphotos53074617N00 target= blank rel=noopener>Wolfgang Staudt<a> <a href=httpscommonswikimediaorgwikiFileAmphitheater von NC3AEmes HDRjpg target= blank rel=noopener>Amphitheater von Nîmes HDR<a> <a href=httpscreativecommonsorglicensesby20legalcode target= blank rel=license noopener>CC BY 20<a>

The Roman Amphitheatre is one of Nîmes most popular tourist attractions. Arguably the most well-preserved amphitheatre in the world. Construction began in 90 A.D. initially to accommodate the entertainment of the population of Nemausus, the Roman name for Nîmes. It is still used today for concerts, historical reconstructions and around 20 Corridas and Courses Camarguaises each year. The bullfights and races for those of a brave and unflappable disposition. Open to visitors all year, you can explore the arena’s interior and learn about its fascinating history.

2. Explore the Jardins de la Fontaine:

Nîmes Gardens and stone walkways over water in the Garden of Fountains
<span style=font size 8pt><span style=font family Calibri sans serif>ermess<span><span style=font family calibri sans serif><span><a href=httpshutterstockcom target= blank rel=noopener><span style=font family calibri sans serif><u>Shutterstockcom<u><span><a><span>

This beautiful park in the heart of Nîmes is home to various gardens, fountains, and statues. You can explore the remains of the Roman Temple of Diana and the Tour Magne. This Gallo-Roman tower offers panoramic views of the city.

3. Discover the Maison Carrée:

Nîmes-Roman temple dedicated to Augustus at Night
<a href=httpscommonswikimediaorgwikiUserTournasol7 target= blank rel=noopener>Krzysztof Golik<a> <a href=httpscommonswikimediaorgwikiFileMaison Carree in Nimes 16jpg target= blank rel=noopener>Maison Carree in Nimes 16<a> <a href=httpscreativecommonsorglicensesby sa40legalcode target= blank rel=license noopener>CC BY SA 40<a>

The best preserved Roman temple in the world in the heart of Nîmes. You can explore the temple’s interior and learn about its history. Completed at the beginning of the first century A.D., and dedicated to “To Gaius Caesar, son of Augustus, Consul; to Lucius Caesar, son of Augustus, Consul designate; to the princes of youth.”

4.Walk along the Quais de la Fontaine:

Nîmes walkway along the Quai de la Fontaine
<span style=font size 8pt><span style=font family Calibri sans serif>trabantos<span><span style=font family calibri sans serif><span><a href=httpshutterstockcom target= blank rel=noopener><span style=font family calibri sans serif><u>Shutterstockcom<u><span><a><span>

This picturesque street runs along the edge of the Jardins de la Fontaine and offers beautiful views of the gardens and the city. There are also plenty of cafés and restaurants where you can relax and enjoy the scenery.

5. Visit the Musée de la Romanité:

This museum is dedicated to the history of the Roman Empire. Still it leads you through the Middle Ages and to contemporary times to discover Roman influence in all our lives. It is located in a modern building opposite the amphitheatre in the heart of Nîmes. You can explore a variety of exhibits, including artefacts from the Roman period and interactive displays, as well as a Mediterranean garden and a roof terrace offering panoramic views of the city.

6. Experience the local cuisine:

Iron casserole of filled with Brandade de MorueNîmes is known for its delicious food, the famous brandade de morue (salt cod puree), and tasty bull meat dishes. Be sure to try the local specialities at one of the many restaurants in the city.

7. Explore the surrounding countryside:

Nîmes is located in the beautiful region of Languedoc-Roussillon, surrounded by picturesque villages and vineyards. Visitors can take a day trip to explore the area and sample the local wines.

Overall, Nîmes is a beautiful and historic city that is well worth a visit. Whether interested in history, architecture, or food, this charming city has something for everyone.

Nimes-Footpath through forested region Costières
<a href=httpscommonswikimediaorgwikiUserRavenclaw target= blank rel=noopener>Ravenclaw<a> <a href=httpscommonswikimediaorgwikiFileGC3A9nC3A9rac garrigueJPG target= blank rel=noopener>Générac garrigue<a> <a href=httpscreativecommonsorglicensesby sa30legalcode target= blank rel=license noopener>CC BY SA 30<a>